Physical exercise

Author: KW

Created: 06/10/2021 Last Modified: 06/10/2021

Adult / CYP: Adult

Categories: Panic Disorder

Experience Narrative:

Jogging on the spot in the room or outside - return to the room and tolerate the sensations, get them to focus on the 'feared catastrophe' what is happening? Why?

Belief to be tested:

I will have a heart attack and die because I will be out of breath and have chest pain 85%

Alternative Perspective:

I will just be out of breath, have some discomfort but I will not die 15%

Safety Behaviours to drop:

checking my pulse, focusing on my chest, dropping body scanning, stopping too soon once I start to feel sensations

Client reflections:

realised this was tolerable and they didn't die, noticed dropping body scanning made improvements in anxiety

Practitioner reflections:

Need to wear some better shoes if running outside

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