Buy a sausage roll from a pastry shop

Author: KW

Created: 14/04/2022

Adult / CYP: Adult

Categories: Social Anxiety

Experience Narrative:

I will go to my local town precinct to find a pastry shop, e.g. Greggs I will choose what I want to buy by looking at the products I will ask the person behind the till "can I have a sausage roll please" I will do this in a level 2 voice I will offer the correct money either by card or by cash

Belief to be tested:

I will be too anxious to ask for what I want, I won't be able to get my words out. Others will reject me or make fun of me Others will think I am weird 95%

Alternative Perspective:

I will be able to say what I want Noone will say anything bad to me or make fun of me 5%

Safety Behaviours to drop:

I will give eye contact I will avoid speaking quietly

Client reflections:


Practitioner reflections:


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