Hand up in Maths or English class

Author: LS

Created: 03/05/2022

Adult / CYP: Children and Young people

Categories: Low Self Esteem

Experience Narrative:

I will put my hand up in Maths or English to answer a question or ask for help from the teacher. It will be in any of these lessons.

Belief to be tested:

theory A - I will be laughed at and people will talk about me - 75%

Alternative Perspective:

Theory B - I will get it right, or get the help and nothing bad happens - 30%

Safety Behaviours to drop:

Hesitating, talking quietly, saying "it doesn't really matter" saying I've forgotten the answer even if I haven't. Not doing the task/avoidance. Fiddling with something whilst I say it because I'm scared.

Client reflections:


Practitioner reflections:


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